Four Reasons to Strengthen Your Blog With Unique Images

Though it is hard to know the exact number of blogs that are out there today, the total number might be higher than you think. In fact, there are hundreds of millions of blogs on the web. Tumblr alone has more than 101.7 million and both WordPress and LiveJournal host more than 60 million blogs each. with numbers this high, if you want to create a blog that stands out from the crowd, you are going to have to be more than just a great writer. You will probably have to add free images for blogs that help set them apart from the rest. Strong writing is always important, but there are many advantages to adding blog images free of charge to your site.

Boost Social Media Interest

Despite the fact that there are hundreds of millions of blogs online, that total pales in comparison to the amount of social media users. Billions of people use Facebook and Twitter, so they provide lots of great opportunities for bloggers who want to boost visibility and attract new readers. Since images are more likely to get shared and liked, adding blog photos can be quite beneficial.

Attract Scanners

The majority of web users choose to scan, rather than read all of the pages that they visit and will move quickly. Plus, they will make a decision about whether a page has any validity in the first couple of seconds. By choosing to add blog images freestyle writers can make their page stand out and inspire visitors to read the rest.

Build a Consistent Tone

In the 1990’s blogs were originated as a diary of sorts, but now they can be used for all kinds of reasons. As a result, bloggers will want to establish a consistent tone. While those who write for business purposes might want to establish a credible and professional tone, others might want to be more humorous or relaxed. Images and infographics can be great tools for establishing a consistent tone.

Add a Unique Aesthetic

One of the greatest benefits of using images is quite simple. They add a greater aesthetic to blog pages. Text heavy pages, even if they are full of interesting and well-written content, will struggle to attract readers because they just don’t look entertaining. Images do well to add color and break up bulky text to help make blogs look as good as the writing actually is.

While some writers might have a bit of trouble trying to figure out where to get the best blog images free, the reality is that there are lots of options. There are many royalty free websites, and social media is full of great images. Plus, bloggers have the freedom to go out and take their own pictures. This means that adding images is an easy way for bloggers to set themselves apart.